
  01 February 2016
Latest HSE Statistics YTD
  2014 2015
Workplace fatalities
Non-work related fatalities
Non-accidental deaths (NADs)
Lost Time Injuries (LTIs)
All injuries (excluding first aid cases)
Motor Vehicle Incidents (MVIs)
Roll over - MVIs
Serious MVIs
Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF)
Life Saving Rules Violations
Journey management
Overriding safety device
Working at heights
Confined space
Lock out tag out
Drugs and alcohol
Gas testing
Suspended Load
Vehicle Class A/B Defect
Class A
Class B
Make sure you have the MSE3 team in your investigation “Kick off meeting” for guidance and support and to head in the right direction

Important News


New HSE LTI/NAD/Tier 1 investigation process

You asked, and we listened.

By popular request, PDO simplified its HSE incident investigation process,  improving its efficiency and quality whilst minimising staff/management time, resources and meetings and ensuring only the right people are involved. It is designed in the mindset of: “Do less but do it better”.  Since its launch the time for investigations to reach the Managing Directors table has more than halved showing the value creation.


Many took the opportunity to attend a half day workshop in MAF on the 27th January to improve their knowledge of the new process and how to maximise its benefits which include Corporate quality assurance from start to finish,   guidance and support; key specialists for incident types, a formal kick off meeting and ToR, less meetings, an improvement in the depth, breadth and focus of investigations IRCs will be leaner and focus on the deep learnings and gain management commitment and action items will be better targeted for value generation.


What You Need to Know

Getting it wrong:

  • Application of contract HSE defaults where investigations are substandard and people have not attended the PDO investigation course to understand the use of Incident Causation Analysis Methodology (ICAM).





  01 February 2016