
  17 Sep 2015
Latest HSE Statistics YTD 15 Sep
  2014 2015
Workplace fatalities
4 1
Non-work related fatalities
3 3
Non-accidental deaths (NADs)
10 10
Lost Time Injuries (LTIs)
44 36
All injuries (excluding first aid cases)
125 120
Motor Vehicle Incidents (MVIs)
76 69
Roll over - MVIs
18 18
Serious MVIs
20 22
Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF)
0.34 0.28
Life Saving Rules Violations
YTD 15 Sep
Journey management
Overriding safety device
Working at heights
Confined space
Lock out tag out
Drugs and alcohol
Gas testing
Suspended Load
Vehicle Class A/B Defect
YTD 15 Sep
Class A
Class B
Antibiotics are important medications that really help when we need them. However, taking antibiotics when they're not needed can be harmful.

Important News


The discovery of antibiotics in 1928 made a big impact on human history. It led to a cure for many bacterial infections. Today many different types of antibiotics are available and they are important to fight several bacterial infections by either destroying or slowing down the growth of micro-organisms (bacteria). Antibiotics can be life savers, but misuse is very common and has resulted in an increase in the number of drug-resistant bacteria and thus  the development of superbugs. Bacteria are  said to be resistant to a drug when they undergo change in some way that either  protects ithem from the action of antibiotics or


gives them the ability to neutralize their effect. Misuse and overuse are the main contributors to antibiotic resistance. Misuse of antibiotics may even hurt you more, as an antibiotic still attacks resident microbes in your body, upsetting the balance. It can impact your health making you vulnerable to other opportunistic infections besides risking the side effects of antibiotics like nausea, diarrhoea and allergies,  as well as making them less effective in their future use. Antibiotics are not needed to treat infections such as common colds, sore throats, flu, bronchitis and most diarrheal diseases as the main cause of these conditions are usually viruses.


What You Need to Know

Antibiotic misuse:

Often prescribed when they are not needed, continued when they are no longer necessary, given at wrong doses, a broad spectrum antibiotics is used to treat very susceptible bacteria and the wrong antibiotic is given to treat an  infection.


Most common infections do not need antibiotics-they get better with symptomatic care and the body takes care of the rest. If your doctor decides you need an antibiotic, make sure you take it exactly as prescribed. Regular hand washing will prevent the spread of bacteria. Make sure your young children are up to date with their childhood immunisations.

Antibiotics and diabetes:

Recent studies have indicated that frequent and long-term use of antibiotics may predispose some to chronic medical conditions, including diabetes and obesity.



  17 Sep 2015

What to do

  • Simple medications like anti-allergy and painkillers work. They can help you feel better
  • If your doctor did not give antibiotics, this doesn’t mean you are not sick
  • Drink plenty of fluids and have enough rest
  • Soothe your throat with salt-water gargles, mouth wash, and lozenges
  • Significant dry cough may be alleviated with a simple cough syrup.
What not to do
  • Do not demand antibiotics when your doctor says they are not needed


  • Do not take antibiotics for viral infections. This is even more so for your young child
  • Do not take antibiotics prescribed for someone else. The treatment may not be right for your illness
  • Inappropriate use of antibiotics can also cause severe allergy and even be fatal.
Public can help to reduce antibiotic resistance by preventing misuse as follows
  • In spite of recent growing awareness of antibiotic resistance, misuse and over use still continues for number of reasons. Many hospitals and medical associations have implemented new diagnostic and


treatment guidelines to reduce inappropriate use of antibiotics. However, public awareness can help significantly

  • Only your doctor can decide on  the prescription of antibiotics
  • When you are prescribed antibiotics, do not stop or skip doses. Take the appropriate daily dosage and complete entire course
  • Ask your doctor if you have any related issues/concerns
  • Never keep leftover antibiotics for a later illness. They may not be correct for your illness
  • Store the medication as per instruction from the pharmacist. Once you open a bottle of antibiotics (for a child) store it in the refrigerator and use it within the prescribed time period.

For more information or back issues, please access or email Nasra Maamery (MSE/51)