
Latest HSE Statistics YTD
  2014 2015
Workplace fatalities
0 0
Non-work related fatalities
0 0
Non-accidental deaths (NADs)
0 0
Lost Time Injuries (LTIs)
0 0
All injuries (excluding first aid cases)
0 0
Motor Vehicle Incidents (MVIs)
0 0
Roll over - MVIs
0 0
Serious MVIs
0 0
Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF)
0 0
Life Saving Rules Violations
Journey management
Overriding safety device
Working at heights
Confined space
Lock out tag out
Drugs and alcohol
Gas testing
Suspended Load
Vehicle Class A/B Defect
Class A
Class B

Important News


Safety days provide a great opportunity for all staff to engage and discuss ways to improve safety performance.  Since introduced back in 2007, many topics were featured and this has helped in raising the awareness level across the organization.  Looking at past performance in safety, it was evident that more focus is needed to get the ‘BASICS’ right and as a result we embarked on a journey to get the fundamentals of the HSE ‘Golden Rules’ (Comply, Intervene & Respect) imbedded into our ways of working.  2014 was all about “Comply”, the first pillar of the Golden Rules.


The 2015 Safety Day theme focuses on “Intervene“ the second pillar of the Golden Rules which is fundamental to our lives and our business. PDO Managing Director Raoul Restucci said: "I know it's not easy, it takes courage. Sometimes you receive push-back, and some colleagues may even say "It is none of your business" but it is, it's your right, your responsibility to intervene because we should all care."
The sessions relayed useful tips to make a successful intervention, such as pointing out to the person at risk the human, financial and environmental consequences of their actions and in a polite, positive and respectful way.


What You Need to Know

Why Intervene?:

We intervene because:
  • We care for each other
  • To save lives and prevent injuries
  • To create a safer working environment.

When to intervene?:

Whenever we observe an unsafe act or condition.
Remember it is your right, your responsibility to intervene because we care for each other.


Did you intervene?:

Although intervention is difficult, we have received amazing stories on intervention at work
and away from work from your feedback. Keep up the good work and continue to intervene.




Did you know that speeding is one of the most common behaviors among a lot of road users. Most of the fatal accidents in Oman as country and in PDO operation are directly related to speed. Although PDO has set the standards, training, and safety rules such as (Golden Rules & Life Saving Rules) to keep us safe,  it is the driver who chooses to put him/herself and others in danger by speeding.  Therefore, to raise awareness and save lives, our Corporate Road Safety team conducts   counseling sessions because we care about you. These sessions help understand the reasons behind speeding and show how this behavior can affect your safety.


The biggest fear the majority of PDO road users have is the Company’s consequence management matrix (see picture below)  a usual question we ask to violators : do you care about your and other’s safety ? the answer is always yes because as humans by nature we care, , , then why do we wait until  we  harm somebody or possibly kill them?
PDO's road safety team is monitoring the roads, to stop and first advice about safety behaviours and then report so we keep following up and making you safer. We can help you and enhance your awareness inside the company, but what about outside PDO’s gates??? What about when you drive your family around??? Should we still monitor your behavior or tell you how to be more careful???......No one can answer these questions better than you “The Driver”.


This year the number of speeding reports is not decreasing, we must be held responsible for our actions and behaviors. The management consequence matrix is tough when it comes to breaking the company rules and policies. The breach of the Life Saving Rules is considered as Major misconduct and will lead to disciplinary measure for PDO staff and PDO’s contractor staff.  Tips to follow to reach safely:

  • Always wear your seatbelt
  • Obey the speed limit  and watch for the road warning signs
  • Avoid using the mobile phone while driving
  • Watch for pedestrians and maintain eye contact
Remember, you are behind those wheels, you have the control and you can make the difference.

For more information or back issues, please acess or email Nasra Maamery(MSE51)