
  05 Aug 2014
Latest HSE Statistics YTD 04 Aug 2014
  2013 2014
Workplace fatalities
1 4
Non-work related fatalities
7 2
Non-accidental deaths (NADs)
4 10
Lost Time Injuries (LTIs)
28 37
All injuries (excluding first aid cases)
104 104
Motor Vehicle Incidents (MVIs)
75 57
Roll over - MVIs
25 16
Serious MVIs
0 21
Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF)
0 0
Life Saving Rules Violations YTD 04 Aug 2014
Journey management
Overriding safety device
Working at heights
Confined space
Lock out tag out
Drugs and alcohol
Gas testing
Latest Class A/B Violations YTD 04 Aug 2014
Class A
Class B

Always comply and adhere to the doctor’s referral advice and decision.


Important News


2014 has witnessed a slight increase in the number of non-accidental deaths(NADs) among employees working within the PDO concession area. In our drive to improve the health management system and minimise the incidence of NADs, the PDO management has introduced a new additional heart risk assessment that is required to be implemented by the Company and its contractors and be incorporated during medical examinations.It is aimed at early identification of those at a high risk of a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.


The PDO Medical Department is conducting a pilot study to evaluate the population profile in relation to the employees’ probability for developing cardiovascular disease in the next 10 years.  The target population is PDO employees and contractors above the age of 40 years.  The aim of this study is to capture high-risk staff and send them for further evaluation, which will reduce future heart attacks and NADs.


What You Need to Know

Tips for a healthier heart:

Stop smoking
Watch your diet
Be careful with alcohol
Get active
Manage your weight
Get your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked regularly
Learn to manage your stress level
Make sure you can recognise the early signs of coronary heart disease

Feel chest pain (heart attack)?:

Do not panic, sit and rest
Seek help from nearest available person
Alternatively, seek immediate medical help at nearest clinic by calling appropriate number or activate emergency response system by calling 5555
24675555 from Mina Al Fahal
24385555 from Interior locations
Do not drive

The Framingham Heart Calculator:

is a tool that is readily available online and at no cost. The following is the link to be used by the examining doctor or nurse but interested staff may choose to use it.



  05 Aug 2014

The heart risk assessment process

Since January 2014, all new employees who are above 50 years of age have been evaluated with tread mill test (TMT), also known as heart stress test, during their pre-employment medical examination. Positive results should trigger a referral to heart specialist for evaluation and opinion.

Staff (40 years and above) who are already employed will have their heart risk assessed during their periodic medical examination and some employees will be randomly checked during routine visits to clinic. This assessment will be carried out by their PDO or contractor’s examining doctor using the Framingham Heart Calculator


(a specific online tool used to estimate the 10-year cardiovascular risk of an individual). Employees falling on the amber or red zone on the Framingham chart will be given the opportunity for a further assessment to evaluate the need for a tread mill stress test (TME) to assess the risk of heart attack.

Medical personnel in the Interior clinics (PDO and contractors) shall ensure that each employee’s Framingham chart is preserved and attached to medical report for PDO doctors to review during their regular quarterly audit.  Medical examinations conducted at Coast(Muscat) must be sent to the respective employee’s file in the Interior locations.


The number of Framingham assessments shall be included in the monthly health performance indicators (HPIs) report sent by contractors to the respective Interior PDO doctor, occupational health adviser and the Chief Medical Officer.
All employees aged 60 and above working in the Interior are expected to seek a waiver from the PDO medical team.
The maximum age limit to work in Interior locations with a waiver is 64.

For more information or back issues, please access or email Nasra Maamery(MSE51).